And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession—to the praise of His glory.
Ephesians 1:13-14

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Ventures

So far I am thinking that 2011 will be a year of new things for me.

On Wednesday, I start Hermeneutics. It is a seminary class through Grace School of Theology that will teach me methods for deeper study of the Bible. I am not taking the class for credit, just for enrichment. Nevertheless, I am excited and a little nervous to be back in school again.

In four weeks I will also complete my certification training as a Zumba instructor. I have never been a fitness instructor before, but I have always wanted to. I LOVE Zumba and have been attending a class 3 times a week since the end of October. Jenna & my teacher encouraged me to get certified, and shortly after I signed up for the certification, a local gym called asking me to teach. Not everything with that has been finalized so I don't want to speak too quickly, but it looks like teaching Zumba will be added to my list of new ventures this year. More details will come soon. :)

Lance (who turns 31 on Sunday BTW) and I are going to Hampton, VA for a week in February with his work. I am looking forward to getting away with him. We are driving there, and we love taking road trips and stopping at unique places on the way. It should be fun!

We are also planning a family vacation to Playa Del Carmen in May. I love the Caribbean and can't wait to relax, have fun and eat all the resort food :) Good thing I will be doing Zumba!

I am excited about all the opportunities this year holds and grateful to God, from whom all blessing flow!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Perfect Sunday

Today was such a great day. I love teaching 3rd grade Sunday School. The kids end up teaching me more than I teach them some days.

My niece and nephew were also down this weekend, and since Mack was sick for Christmas we did not get to see them much then. It was nice to have lunch with them at my mom's after church and play with them today.

After lunch was probably my favorite part of the day. Lance built a fire and the three of us spent two hours sitting in front of the fire, talking and putting together a lego castle. We never even turned the television on today. We need more days like that.

What a perfect Sunday!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Momma

Today is my mom's birthday. I won't tell you how old she is because this post is really meant to honor her, and that might just make her mad. Ha Ha.

I think I have the greatest mom ever. She is giving, loving and very hardworking. I think I get my independent and determined spirit from her. She is a devoted wife, mother, teacher and child of God.

I am so glad she is my mom, and I hope that she has the best birthday ever!